Personal Video Database
Organize your movie collection
Windows NT/2000/XPPlatform :
$0Price :
7.94 MBFile Size :

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5/16/2007Date Added :
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Free Video catalog software with user friendly interface and many useful functions to help users create their Movie collection fast and easy. Some key features: Many different information fields, many configuration options, Powerful filtering and grouping, Import / Export Plugins, Password protection, Loan history, Unicode support.
The best movie database at any priceā¦
A powerful and reliable relational database of movies and the people associated with them. Well designed and feature rich. Imported my existing collection with ease. Unattended, downloaded all the IMDb information I wanted. Interface is well thought-out with an easy-to-read presentation, using collapsible fields and good image management. Extensive filtering, grouping, and sorting capability. Excellent filmography, awards and TV series management. Highly configurable. Expandable with import and export plug-ins. Well supported via an active discussion board, where the developer is very responsive to users.
...And it's FREE!
Author: rick4ca on Sunday, May 18, 2008