Agree with Seans comment
Expenssive, Poor manual, Amateur job, Unstable
Author: Spyros on Saturday, February 16, 2008
...And poor manual
I aggree with previous post. This Control is very unstable and does not worth even the time I spent. Very expensive, Poor manual and very amateur job.
Author: Spyros on Saturday, February 16, 2008
Basic Dial-Out Functionality Lacking
I'm writing a simple program to dial a phone number, and when the line is answered - play a WAV file to the person answering.
After reading a bit about this control and how it works, it seemed like it was a perfect fit.
After spending money on a licensed version, I found that this control will NOT work as advertised when dialing out.
The OnAnswer event fires regardless if line is truly answered or not.
SilenceLevel and SilenceDuration seem to have no effect in firing the OnSilence event.
Impossible to determine when the callee has truly answered the phone.
If you're wanting to do more than simply answer a ringing line - be wary of this control.
Author: Sean on Thursday, October 19, 2006