Netsticker gives you "drag and drop" graphic bookmarks with information handling capabilities, password handling, web site dynamic refresh and loads of surf utilities - as well as a cool MP3 player an

Did you ever wonder why Internet based bookmarks only consist of text? So did we! And why can't they hold more information than a simple address? Well, that's what it used to be like. With Netsticker you open up the Internet to a brand new world of graphic bookmarks, that apart from graphics containing logos and pictures of products, can hold basically everything you need in a bookmark. Site name, www-address, e-mail address, snail mail address, telephone number, fax number, password and user information, a full site description, user comments, link pages, screen dumps, binaries, and a geographic reference to where the site is located! You may also "drag and drop" them from web sites! And when you want to go to that special site, simply click the picture! The Internet has never been so easy to navigate. We call them Netstickers. Netsticker helps you handle passwords, helps you avoid info stress and makes it easy for you to share your Netsticker collections with your friends using the built-in email system. Netsticker also doubles as an MP3 player where you encapsulate songs within a Netsticker - actually giving you a graphic cover to your songs. Netsticker also dynamically refreshes browser windows at given intervals, enables you to drag and drop user information to various web forms, automatically closes annoying pop-up windows and really makes your life on the Internet a lot easier. Netsticker is full of opportunities!