In this Animated Wallpaper, angel fish swim around and interact with the Coral Reefs in a background display with beautiful and realistic underwater lighting, bubbles and effects.
In this Animated Wallpaper, angel fish swim around and interact with the Coral Reefs in a background display with beautiful and realistic underwater lighting, bubbles and effects. There are a many varieties and colours of angelfish and some feed as they swim by others float around before they swim off either slowly or rapidly after a while.
There are times when some smaller swarms of purple and yellow fish swim idly by. Other beautiful fish with either full or mixed colours of red, orange, blue, yellow and black, among other colours swim by rest and then swim away again. This specific scene also features large stingrays that swim in different directions in the scene, seahorses that swim by in packs and a beautiful red and white clownfish which has about for little clown fish that chase after this large clownfish after it rest for a while under one of the large corals. There is also a large 3D lionfish.