This animated wallpaper features fantastic blue and yellow 3D parrots which fly by in flocks from time to time amongst another background with an animated beach with realistic water movements and animated seagulls which sometimes land, stand still for a while on the white sand, then take off again. Some seagulls just walk in and out of the scene and chirp, while other will dive into the beach and swim out or fly out of the water back into the sky. Those seagull animations are very beautiful and look natural and movie-like as they play around.
There is a 3D animated starfish in this scene and there are animated black sea crabs, which walk around on the sandy shores, wait for a while, and then go out again. Palm trees also sway in this scene. There are many colorful boats that swim by as well as a golden speedboat. This makes the scene look very complete. There are full background and seagull sounds, as well as other sound effects with this scene.