This Animated Wallpaper features a background with a powerful animated sunset with a gleaming animated light over realistic moving calm beach water. Watch as a large palm tree and a short palm sways from side to side in the light breeze of the ocean shores which is most breathtaking and serene. In this scene, 3D animated seagulls also fly by and land on a very large rock nearby.
The seagull looks around and sits for a while then flies off gain as others come to take a rest and enjoy the calm of the ocean shores. A seagull will dive into the water and swim in it for a while and out of the scene. The scenery looks almost like one in an AVI video clip. One of the greatest highlights of this scene must be the 3D animated dolphin that jump and make lovely sounds against the flowing background waters of the beach. A dolphin jumps in and out of the water at different times, which makes a perfect scene for a Caribbean cruise.