AnswerMyPhone lets you use your PC as an Answering Machine for your telephone with callerID tracking. AnswerMyPhone is a windows software that will listen for incoming calls once it is loaded. You don't have to pay expensive service charges or monthly rentals for answerphone services provided by telecom companies. Unlike traditional answering machines it can record large number of messages limited only by your harddisk space. Answer Myphone is more flexible and cost effective than traditional answering machines. Records all incoming calls in real time and stores them as wave files for voicemail access. You can either play recorded messages your multimedia speaker or access them by calling your phone remotely from anywhere in the world with a custom PIN number. Features: Automatic detection of voice modem/telephony device during first install. Replace greeting with your own custom recorded greeting. Set the number of rings before answering. Set incoming message recording time in seconds Messages are played in an orderly fashion so that the latest one is played first and the oldest last. Extra settings for configuring BAD modems that cannot identify proper disconnect tone.