Multimedia & Design Software > Image Editors > tmRulers

tmRulers 1


Virtual Screen Rulers and Guides


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USD $18.95Price :
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7/15/2004Date Added :
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tmRulers was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
TechMedia Rulers (tmRulers) is a desktop utility that will be of use to web and graphic designers, software developers, amateur photographers and anyone else that needs to examine, capture and process the image being displayed on the computer's screen ; it can also be if use to those that need to process other image files.

Ability to switch between Horizontal and Vertical ruler displays
Ruler can be set to display units in pixels, centimeters, millimeters or inches
Display the position of the mouse relative to the ruler origin at all times
Fine (pixel at a time) movement and sizing of the ruler by using cursor keys (in combination with Ctrl & Shift keys)
Ability to select your own ruler color, ticker color and scale color
Ability to select your own hot keys for a variety of functions
Ability to calibrate the ruler in inches, centimeters and millimeters
Option to shape the rulers like Calipers for more convenient measurements of object sizes
Rulers have no window shadow
Option to make the ruler's background translucent
You want to magnify (hard to read) portions of your screen
You need guides positioned over your screen
You can have up to 40 moveable guides (with translucency)
Capture a small area of the Desktop
Ability to capture the screen image or a file on disk
Resize image, with option to retain aspect ratio
Crop portions of images defined by selected rectangles, lasso or magic wand
Color adjustments including Contrast, Brightness, Hue, Saturation, value, luminosity, RGB, Equalization, FFT, Gamma Correction, and Sharpness
Special effects including Filters, Bumps, Lenses, Waves, Morphing and Rotation
Processed images can be saved to disk or copied to the Clipboard.
Powerful image convertion routines

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Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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