This is an extremely realistic animated wallpaper of a beach shoring up against the white sand which is gleaming in the serene sunshine of a bright sunny day. The water on the beach itself flows constantly in a very realistic way as well. As the water shores up there is an animated starfish that becomes exposed then disappears from time to time as the shoring waves washes it away.
This four and a half minute long scene features a background with passing 3D-realistic clouds and three eagles in the distant which will soar slowly in the sky. One eagle will fly by on its own at first. Beautiful and colorful boats swim by on the shores and a speedboat goes along rapidly with sound effects as it passes. There are many animated seagulls which fly by. Sometimes seagulls will sing as the fly down and land on the sandy beach then walk around then fly off. At intervals some seagulls will walk in sing and then fly off into the bright sunny sky.