Utilities > Antivirus Software > avast! virus cleaner

avast! virus cleaner


avast! Cleaner - remove viruses from your PC


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11/20/2004Date Added :
5-Star Rating Rating :
2 Reviews from Users User Reviews :
avast! virus cleaner was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
avast! Virus Cleaner is a free tool that will completely remove selected viruses from PC.
It is able to stop viruses that are active in memory, it will disinfect your files, remove virus registry & startup items, and virus working files.
Currently, it can handle these virus families: Badtrans, Beagle, Blaster, BugBear, Ganda, Klez, MiMail, MyDoom, Nachi, NetSky, Nimda, Opas, Parite, Sasser,Scold, Sircam, Sober, Sobig, Swen, Yaha,Zafi incl. var.

Download avast! virus cleaner


    AVAST Take You
    I have AVAST free on my computer. When there was a break in their system I got a "virus". Probably from them! Since I have been unable to unlock anything on my lap-top, but the AVAST software keeps showing up and asking me to purchase. I''m so ticked. I cannot even remove it. I have NO way of getting in touch with them. If I was to pay for their full service, how would I be able to send a payment since I cannot get onto the internet. If I could..how would it be SAFE? BUYER BEWARE!
    Author: Barbara Melendez on Sunday, July 4, 2010
    got virus in my PC which is server
    i have installed Avast antivirus in my PC then also by the time of loading something from internet, Virus attacked my PC. I have deleted this but it is not fully deleted. Virus is of such kind, when i open a folder by double clicking over there that form .exe of that folder. Please give me some suggestion. I am getting trouble from this. thank you
    Author: Satyabhama on Friday, September 12, 2008


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