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ZwCAD 2020


ZWSOFT, an innovative supplier of CAD solutions to AEC and MCAD industries


Windows NT/2000/XPPlatform :
USD $799Price :
388.67 MBFile Size :
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2/21/2006Date Added :
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ZwCAD was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
ZWSOFT, an innovative supplier of CAD solutions to AEC and MCAD industries, has unveiled ZWCAD 2020, the latest version of the well-known CAD software. ZWCAD 2020 is powered by a superior engine to ensure the better .dwg compatibility and code-level API ability. Thanks to multi-core processor, the efficiency has been significantly improved.

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    IntelliCAD vs Autocad
    Briscad ca produs subsidiar al IntelliCadului nu poate fi mai bun decat produsul "master".Eu am cumparat InteliCad si am incarcat sa-l folosesc.Din cate stiu echipa care l-a conceput, s-a desprins la un moment dat de la Autodesk incercand sa-si faca un nume din interfata clasica Autodesk, dar cu matrasheli de tipul " 'eftin si bun". Eu unul nu subscriu acestui tip de abordare; nici la sosete si nici la programe.Ca sa revin, folosind IntelliCad destul timp ca sa-mi formez o parere, as indrazni sa fac urmatoarele comentarii: 1) programul (cel putin versiunea pe care am achizitionat-o eu) avea o instabilitate incredibila.Cu alte cuvinte sesiunea de lucru se inchidea din senin, fara mesaje de avertizare si fara fisiere temporare salvate. 2) rutinele matematice folosite, probabil ca erau penibile altfel nu-mi explic cum de programul reusea sa fie atat de lent la o simpla regenerare de detaliu de fundatie. .....etc. Daca va descurcati cu asa ceva, sincer va admir; eu unul nu am reusit. Am ratat termene de predare, portabilitatea informatiei era indoielnica iar intregul proces de desenare/editare era supus toanelor unui produs de mana 2-a.
    Author: milasan on Monday, May 22, 2006


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