Catalog document
- Books, videos, discs, CD-ROM, and all type of media that you can create yourself.
- No limit in the number of documents managed (also in local network)
- These documents have following indexes for search : Title and subtitles, words in the titles, - Authors, Publishers, Collection, Subjects, Dewey, Classification, barcode, localisation.
- Authority lists automatically created for these indexes, and search of these indexes by the first letters of the word (and when clicking on on the arrow on the left of the field, you list all the homonymous indexes).
- Possibility to associate a picture (bitmap, jpg, gif, ...) to each document, and a text
- Management of cross references on authors and subjects
- Management of the others titles and authors on a document (i.e. on Compact Discs, where there is many titles
- Password can be actived, particularely useful on local network to limit access to library members
Multi criteria search
-By Title and subtitles, words in the titles, Authors, Publishers, Collection, Subjects, Dewey, Classification, barcode, localisation
- Possibility to use AND, OR
- Search by authority lists (Author, Publisher, Collection, Subject)
- Documents shown on 2 differents formats : List or ISBD
Check in / out and reservation of documents
- Management of the members, Check in and out, Return and reservation of documents (by barcode or title)
- Document recall by mailing using Microsoft Word, ASCII file or list.
- Standard print format using all kinds of indexes, on the screen or printer
- Others formats by data export on ASCII files or Microsoft Excel (using DDE)
- Labels (ISBD format) with different parameters
- Statistics
Data Import and Export
- Import with Win Library, Unimarc and US Marc (Library of congress) format (for conversion from other formats : contact us
- Customization of data export (on Microsoft Excel, ASCII files, Win Library format, UNIMARC, US MARC)