Wild Forest 3D is truly amazing and is a classic in the nature series. The screensaver explores the wonders of a wild forest in 3D style. This is a rare kind of forest screensaver which features about 18 minutes of detailed, continuous animations and sounds of wild life in a deep forest. In the first scene of the trial version, there is over 6 minutes of many wild animals. In this scene, there is a lovely green forest with a gleaming sunlight peering through the trees and glistening on the leaves of those tress and the entire ground and pathways. About 10 Green 3D parrots rest on the branches of the trees. Two of the parrots are blue and yellow. Some more green parrots fly in and land on trees at intervals and some which were resting fly off from time to time. Parrots sometimes fly in different directions occasionally throughout the scene. There is a large brown beetle that flies in and sits on a leaf, waits a while then flies out again. There are two chipmunks that run in and out the scene. At one point, 2 chipmunks come in and feed, chatter together then run to hide in the bushes. There is a nice large realistic-looking 3D grey rabbit that hops into the scene, waits around then scurries off into the bushes. There is a really huge 3D brown bear that comes in with very detailed long animations. There is much more to explore in this screensaver!!