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VisualStat .NET 2005


VisualStat .NET is a remarkably comprehensive visual statistics package. It incorporates all the descriptive statistics, charts and data transforms you will need for analyzing data.


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12/7/2005Date Added :
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VisualStat .NET was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
VisualStat .NET is a remarkably comprehensive visual statistics package. It incorporates all the descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric statistical methods, charts and data transforms you will need for processing, analyzing and presenting data. Multivariate procedures are included e.g. Principal component analysis. All tests have associated report which give you a short conclusion and other facts to assist in getting the right one for the job. VisualStat has a well-designed user interface with all its statistical and charting procedures easily selected from menus. Basic and frequently used commands can be shown continuously for instant access. The DataSheet is a powerful tool for manipulating and selecting data. It can be any size, limited only by your computer hardware. Data can be copied and pasted or dragged and dropped from spreadsheets. In addition, spreadsheet files in many formats can be directly opened. VisualStat .NET supports tables for ODBC database connections. Chart types in VisualStat include all the usual types for statistical data such as Bar, Pie, Line, HiLo, Candle and Polar charts together with 3D charting options. A wide variety of action is available including Zoom, Rotate, Scale and Translate Chart. VisualStat ChartSeet can be exported in .JPG and .PNG file formats

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