Internet Tools > Email Tools > TNL Antispam

TNL Antispam


Powerful Anti-Spam Solution


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USD $19.95Price :
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2/26/2005Date Added :
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TNL Antispam was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Spam is a growing problem and states are struggling to pass laws, but as most of us know most spam doesn't come from any particular state, or country for that matter. The internet has no borders and most spammers use tactics that prevent them from being traced in the first place.

Many have toyed with the anti-spam software that utilizes public blacklists, white lists and/or filters, and most walk away dismayed about how much email is lost due to false positives (mistaken for spam). Even some of the best software out there is time consuming to use. Many people have had the unfortunate experience of their website getting added to a public blacklist by mistake and had to deal with the time-consuming task of getting taken off these lists.

TNL Antispam will check your POP3 Email box and weed through your incoming mail messages. There are several processes that TNL Antispam uses to eliminate spam from your inbox. Using a combination of filter and challenge & response technology TNL Antispam proudly offers an unheard of false-positive rate (legitimate email falsely marked as spam), with minimal user intervention.

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