SunSMS is bulk sms software for sending simple or group sms, mass sms, scheduled sms from your computer. Now a days the need of sending bulk sms in India is rapidly increasing as sms communication is a prominent way of communicating in the aspect of marketing. This global sms application can be configured to any kind of mobile or handset for sending SMS. We also provide bulk sms gateway for sending SMS at highly competitive rates and at rapid speed. Our bulk sms services are used by wide range of customers like various Corporate, Stock Brokers, and Financial Institutions, Jewelries, Hotels, Schools and Educational Institutions. This bulk sms software provides instant delivery status of the message with NDNC Filter options etc. Sunsms is not just simple sms software rather it’s a CRM (Customer Resource Management). Our unique bulk sms software can maintain unlimited contact database with their Name, address, multiple mobile numbers, their dates to remind (Birthday, Anniversary day), profession, remarks etc and these contacts can be categorized into different groups.
It can import contacts or messages from any external sources like Excel, Tally, MS Word or any kind quickly and efficiently. It automatically eliminates the invalid and NDNC mobile numbers.
Benefits of sending group sms or web sms or Send sms in group or sending group sms from web though our website that could help you to use this service as an advertising method to promote your new products and services. This website is called sms marketing or sms advertising. Check the website to know more about our unique free sms software.
Earlier there was no option to send single message to multiple people and one has to select the recipients one by one. This was not only time consuming but also a irritating process, particularly if the recipients are in large number. Then a new concept is introduced in the telecom industry which is easy and time saving. It is called group SMS. As it is clear from the name, group SMS means sending message to a group or set of people. Group SMS is a smart way to send single message to a group in one go. Group SMS provides ease to send messages which saves time. Group SMS enables users to send messages to multiple recipient in a single action instead of sending message one by one. Group SMS sservice is provided by www.sunsms.in.
www.SunSMS.in provide various SMS services. We also offer the facility of group SMS which means sending message online to a group or groups at one instance. The only requirement is to create and manage the group SMS address book. You can include friends, family, clients and employees into various groups and thus send the message to a particular group. A single message can be sent to a single group or multiple groups simultaneously. There is no limit to create the groups. The only thing to do is just select the group/groups and send the message. Sending bulk sms is the most efficient cost effective form of communication. You can send it in a click anytime anywhere. Start to send SMS from online phonebook, excel sheet, bulk SMS HTTP Gateway, website or software now using www.SunSMS.in.
About bulk sms service or how to send sms Bulk SMS and Internet SMS (Short Message Service) is a protocal that enables the interchange of short text messages between handheld or cell phone devices, even when a different protocol of communication is being used. This unique communications protocol was adopted as part of the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) standard set in 1985 and has flourished since its inception.
Text messaging is increasing at an enormous rate with the proliferation of handheld devices. It is also a popular marketing channel as most people take their mobile phones everywhere making bulk SMS effective for time sensitive messages and capturing user attention. Also, users tend to read virtually every text received via their SMS device - unlike junk mail, Spam, or adverts, which are often ignored. SMS Short Messaging Service has been impressive and gives us an easy way in communicating people at low cost. This mobile technology has improved the way we communicate with a people. Through this mobile messaging service you can promote your product but since you are restricted to send SMS to only few people through your mobile phone but in order to promote your product you need to communicate to many people rather than few people because if we contact many people only we can get few people to buy our product. Since communicating to lots and lots of people is impossible in a single user mobile phone, www.SunSMS.in created a SMS –Excel plugin which allows you to send cheap bulk sms very easily. This plugin embeds with your Microsoft Excel application and enables you to send SMS to mobile phones all over India from your personal computer. It’s a Free SMS software that can be installed on your PC that allows to send bulk SMS all over India. It is a user friendly application which is simple and advanced sending options easy to create templates for personalized SMS messages. Above information is provided for the knowledge about the concept behind bulk SMS service to send SMS to india.