Internet Tools > Tools & Utilities > Search Launcher

Search Launcher 1.2


Launch searches and highlight search results directly from your desktop


Windows NT/2000/XPPlatform :
USD $19.99Price :
440 KBFile Size :
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Popularity: 1/10Popularity :
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12/1/2003Date Added :
5-Star Rating Rating :
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Search Launcher was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Search Launcher is a super-powered search toolbar designed to help you find what you're looking for easier and faster. It launches searches to any search engine and web site directly from your desktop without the need of going to the search engine or search site first. It then uses your web browser to display search results and highlights every instance of your search terms to help you find information more quickly and easily. By applying different highlighting colors for different search terms and continuing to highlight all instances of your target terms automatically as you surf from web page to web page, Search Launcher helps you scan read search results and consecutive web pages easily and find what you're looking for much faster.

In launching searches, Search Launcher works very much like you have all well-known search toolbars such as Google Toolbar, eBay Toolbar, Dogpile Toolbar, or Teoma Toolbar etc. combined into one single robust product, and more. But unlike those toolbars which are locked into a single search engine and a single web browser, Search Launcher is open and available to all search engines and web browsers. You can use it to launch searches to Google, eBay, Dogpile, Teoma, Yahoo, MSN, CNN, Dictionary etc. and any other web site which supports search functionality easily by a single mouse click. You can even add your own search sites to the software, as many sites as you wish, quickly and easily. It works with all web browsers including Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera and all other browsers currently available.

Search Launcher is very powerful yet compact and easy-to-use. It was developed with you in mind. Every aspect - installation, configuration, and use - was created to be as simple and easy as possible. It requires no prerequisite skill, comes with preset settings and supports automatic working modes, so you can get the software up and running in no time. Free try!

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Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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