Utilities > Optimizers & Diagnostics > SLOWPCFIX



Has your computer's speed reduced and is it causing you frustration, this is a very common problem with Microsoft Windows based computers, our SlowPCFix software will not only bring your machine back


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USD $49.99Price :
1.17 MBFile Size :
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8/3/2011Date Added :
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SLOWPCFIX was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Unlike any other software available today this is windows based utility will take your bloated windows operating system and make it into a lean mean business machine.

SlowPCFix has been developed with a performance algorithm that tunes your computer to the highest level possible for your machine, at a simple click of a button SlowPCFix will save you hundreds on hardware upgrades. SlowPCFix will also repair registry problems it comes across.

Unparalleled Computer Performance At A Click Of A Button

Computers are used to make our tasks easier and execute them in short span of time. Yet, if your computer starts working slow, then there is no major significance of having it and using it to carry out various jobs.

Many people get frustrated with the slow operation of their PC and end up spending money by upgrading memory or even sometimes by purchasing a new computer to get rid of slow operation. Yet, you cannot do it every time your PC becomes slow.

Computers can become slow due to several reasons, these can include low disk space available, presence of excess temporary files, corrupt registry entries caused due to large number of software applications installed on the computer, presence of incompatible device driver in the system, corrupt data, corrupt operating system, presence of virus and other malicious software, there are various other problems which may slow down your computer system.


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