Pet Listing script is a PHP based classified ads software for everyone who wants to manage pet classifieds website. Professionally developed classifieds script with full PHP source code at a fraction of the price! Pet Listing Script has a super user-friendly administration page, editable features and extras, role-based user level access; WYSIWYG editor for the rich text formatting, HTML support, etc.
With Pet Listing Script you will be able to add an unlimited number of pets and animals and make the biggest pet classifieds website and pet listing; it has a built-in pet search engine which will make your website professional and friendly enough to please your web visitors and prospects; editable features for full control over the fields and details on the listing pages; different user levels and role assignment, different pet breeds and types.
With a Developer License use the classifieds script on an unlimited number of websites, modify the PHP SOURCE CODE or re-brand the script!