TCP/IP local network manager with builded-in NetWatcher, NetFileSearcher, Portscaner/listener and other useful tools. Very simple and powerfull in use.
1)Using LMHOSTS file in wicht all hosts in net can be enumerated and shows even if master browser in your network cannot be found.
2)Can show map in simple list, visual and route map modes.
3)Opening both by IP or hostname. Usefull when WINS server in your network is absent or down.
4)Builded-in netsearcher, netwatcher, IP logger, scripted IP/port scaner and port listener(on NT), netmessenger, terminal, sharescaner, tracerote, traffic redirector.
5)Plug-ins support let's you manage your network by single application. Plug-ins can be free develope by anyone who can do it. Header .h file included.
6)Pascal scripts allows to quickly write TCP clients and servers to emulate services or to researching remote system.