The game has got two modes: a single mode (a computer places and hides chesspieces for you) and a network mode. In last one you can play with somebody else through a net, by placing your chesspieces for your opponent and guessing his variants. The winner's who will guess opponent's chesspieces for the smallest number of steps.
RULES: You should guess 4 hidden chesspieces for 10 steps as a maximum. After each attempt you will receive a prompt on the right side of the game field. The prompts are black or white evaluate chesspieces. If you guess a color and a place of the chesspiece it's black; if you guess only a color - it's white. Among hidden chesspieces you can find even 3 ones painted into the similar color. In general chesspieces that take part in the game are painted into 6 different colors.