LiberOne is an application oriented to the management and maintenance of libraries. This management and maintenance are realized of a comfortable, simple and intuitive way, reason why great knowledge of computer science for their handling are not necessary. When our library arrives at a determined number of books, in the majority of the cases becomes a computer science tool necessary, a software that helps to maintain and to manage all our books.
Maintenance, because with Liber1 you can at any moment know the books that you have, how many you have, where are them, etc. Can list books of a certain subject, of a certain collection, classification, group, author or editorial.
Management, because with Liber1 you can realize an individual pursuit for each book (volume to volume, title to title), options search outpost, listed by printer, etc.
LiberOne is organized in 8 main surroundings, to facilitate the control and the management of the library. Something as well as “to contemplate books from several points of view”. These 8 surroundings are: BOOKS, LIBRARY, SUBJECTS, COLLECTIONS, CLASSIFICATIONS, GROUPS, AUTHORS and PUBLISHING HOUSES.
You can select the language that wishes (that it will be the active language whenever the application is taken) in the window of Options - > Language.
All the processes of all the surroundings have context sensitive helps. All the possible doubts will clarify to you that the help can appear just by click of mouse.