Ignite is a Web graphics optimization and composition program that allows you to produce small, quality GIFs and JPEGs from artwork created in traditional design programs.
It features automatic image splitting and HTML generation, a drag-and-drop animation sequencer, color palette editing with an automatic "make Web-safe" option, an extended Web-safe palette of more than 1300 hybrid colors, fast switching between your artwork and the GIF or JPEG output file, and the ability to open and work with Photoshop files natively.
Use it as a plug-in to Photoshop, PaintShop Pro, PhotoPaint and many other applications for even quicker web graphics optimisation.
There's much more... Ignite includes many advanced features to prepare your images for the web as quickly as possible. It's got everything you need to get your graphics web ready.
This download is a fully functional 30-day trial version, after which you need to register for free. Contributions are requested but not compulsory.