Multimedia & Design Software > Image Editors > IT Image Resizer

IT Image Resizer 1.5


An easy-to-use tool for batch esizing images


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USD $8.95Price :
899 KBFile Size :
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12/11/2004Date Added :
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IT Image Resizer was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
IT Image Resizer is used to resize pictures in most popular graphic formats. It resizes them in batch mode, which means that the user can select hundreds of images, select desired size and just click the Resize button. The program does everything else. The images can keep the original aspect ratio or can be exactly resized to the specified size. Produced images can be saved in the same locations or in the specified folder. Different methods of interpolation produced images can be set. It's true, you can use professional image editing software for resizing images. Sure, you have spent $300-$400 for it, why not use it? You may discover that it's fun to resize each image one by one. But only for the first 50 images, after that you wish for a tool that resizes all the images at once. The program can process the following formats of the graphics files: JPEG files (.jpg), JPEG 2000 files (.jp2; .jpc), GIF files (.gif), PNG files (.png), BMP files (.bmp; .dib; .rle), PCX files (.pcx), TARGA files (.tga), TIFF files (.tif; .tiff), Portable Bitmap files (.pbm; .pgm; .ppm). The program supports TARGA files with alpha channel. The program can use command line mode to specify the options of the processing. In this case the program will process source files without displaying its window. So, you can use "IT Image Resizer" in your own programs and in the scripts using the command line. All these reasons make IT Image Resizer a tool that you need and a tool you'll miss if you stop using it. Make sure you download it and try it now!

Download IT Image Resizer


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