Till now few people know, that the computer can be used as an alarm clock. But, it is possible only in Windows Me/2000/XP by means of the windows scheduler. It's also possible in Win98, but by a rather artful way (look below). Now we can set any media player as a task of the scheduler and awake PC with it, but there are some circumstances: If we set, for example, 'Winamp.exe' as a task of scheduler, then it will have run, music will not be played, because of necessary to set playlist as a task instead of player. When music begins to play loudly, we mostly switch it off to have a sleep five minutes more, but in summary we sleep 2 hours, and even more. Certainly, it is possible to set more silently loudness of music, but then we have a chance to have not hear music. The researches have shown (on themselves checked), that if to increase loudness of music smoothly within several minutes, the awakening comes gradually, and desire to switch off an alarm clock does not arise :-) Such slowly awakening is possible with Good Morning!