Flash-here Flash News Ticker 1.0
Our Flash News Ticker can display text links specified in a XML configuration file. News links are scrolled from the bottom to the top.
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$0Price :
17 KBFile Size :

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4/11/2006Date Added :
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Our Flash News Ticker can display text links specified in a XML configuration file. News links are scrolled from the bottom to the top. The Flash News Ticker allow you to set the text color & the mouse over color, different link urls & their click targets, scrolling interval & step, background imge & animation effect...etc. All the configurations can be done in the XML file.
POS on almost every site!
It does work, but without the .FLA, you can not adjust it to meet individual needs. I would leave this alone, but I have seen the same thing on HUNDREDS of sites. I have created better flash scrollers in my sleep than this. I can not believe they want $20 for this tiny, basic, simple, insignificant thing.
Author: Snapple on Friday, October 24, 2008