It is the greatest free dictionary. For the time being, it includes 31 dictionaries. The producer assured us that soon he will contribute with other some dictionaries. The facilities of this dictionary: - It contain all international communication languages - The possibility to search words in many dictionaries - The possibility to search words using an index - Speech agent; in beta version, only the English words can be correctly listened - Intuitive aspect - The search of the words can be particularized - A double-click on a word will generate the automatic search of the word this command was acting on - Back button to the definition previously searched - It monitors the clipboard; in any program, a simple copy of the word to the clipboard using "Copy" command will have as effect the automatic search of the word in dictionary. - It includes a little window (in order to learn new words), where it is randomly reproduced a word from the load dictionary - The color of the found words can be particularized. - Instant translator: translate words using your mouse - Everest Game: good for testing your knowledge What is new in version 2.1 - 3 new dictionaries: English Portuguese standard, German English standard, Hungarian English Standard - Fix right click problem in Instant Translator: to activate the Instant translator you have to press on Control Click and Right mouse click in Windows NT/2000/XP - Instant translator automatically closes after 1 second. If you want to prevent closing, hold Control key for a long time or put your mouse cursor in Instant translator window area. In windows 95/98/Me the Instant translator does not closes automatically. - System wide shortcuts (you can use them anywhere in windows) - Fix crashing problem when Microsoft Agent is not installed