Delete History Free - delete Internet history freeware. Delete browser history, search history in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera. Delete address bar history, index.dat, Windows Temporary Files

Your browser and Windows keep all history tracks - what web sites you have visited, what videos you have seen, what cookies have been saved, etc. Windows temporary directory (Temp folders) stores Windows and other programs temporary files. Windows stores a list of documents and files you have recently opened and worked with. Anyone who has access to your computer can see this list and directly link to any of the items that you've opened, programs you've run. Every time you open/save a file Windows keeps a record of this activity - Windows records the names of files that you open or save. If you don't want someone knows what you've done on your computer, you should clear history tracks from your PC.Delete History Free - delete browser history software (freeware). All information about web sites you visit is stored in the Browser History Files and anyone who has access to your computer can see what web sites you visited. Delete History Free allows you to delete Internet History (search history) in Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape and Opera. "Delete browser history" feature also includes deleting address bar history (URL AutoComplete). "Delete history" option for Internet Explorer is combined with index.dat file deleting and deletes the path you used for the last file(s) saving. "Delete browser history" feature for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera includes deleting tracks of recently downloaded files (deletes download list). Using Using Delete History Free you can also delete Windows Temporary files, clear Clipboard, delete Recent Documents list, empty Recycle Bin.