A Windows file backup utility featuring complete Windows Explorer integration. Archive files are stores as ZIP files allowing the use of most common ZIP utilities. Use the Job Wizard to create backup jobs, define the execution schedule and password protect the archive files as required. The Main Console graphically displays the status of each execution of the jobs, and provides access to log files that show all backup activity. Using the Restore Wizard files can be restored either to their original location or an alternate location. Both the Job Wizard and Restore Wizard can be launched directly from Windows Explorer. Select the desired folders files and open the Job Wizard from the Windows Explorers popup menu to create a backup job for them. Select a file and the Restore Wizard will display all the backups containing the file, including the files date and time when it was added to the backup. In addition Quick Backup includes CSS File Sentry. Never lose your important work again with CSS File Sentry, a backup utility that constantly monitors your files and creates a backup copy each time they change. Sentries are added to files using the integrated Sentry Wizard, which can be launched either from the Main Console or from Windows Explorer. A File Sentry can be configured to delete backup copies after a specified number of days, and can also compress the copies into ZIP files to save space. The Main Console shows all the files currently being monitored.