Search the entire USDA National Nutrient Database on your Pocket PC PDA/Handheld. With over 7000 entries - you can find out how much Fat, Carbohydrates, Calories, Protein and more your food has while you shop for it; order it in restaurant or eat it at home.
Several different ways to record your meals as you eat them. Record it directly from the USDA database or by a quick add feature.
Add your favorite meals into the database.
The software will track and display (via graph and reports) your calories, Carbohydrates, fat and protein intake.
Automatic calculation and display of your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which is a measure of how many calories your body is burning during a normal day.
Based on your goals and current vital information (sex, body weight, age, etc) - the software will determine how many calories you should be taking in per day to reach your preferred weight by the target date you have specified.