

Downloads from Epigroove
  • Kitchen
    screenshot | size: 8.46 MB | price: $14.95 | date: 7/28/2004
    Kitchen is a personal recipe organizer, allowing you to keep track of all your recipes as well as automatically generate shopping lists and email recipes to friends.
  • Sole Possession
    screenshot | size: 7.37 MB | price: $14.95 | date: 7/30/2004
    Sole Possession is a home inventory cataloger, allowing you to track where all your possessions are as well as providing you with estimated worth reports for insurance purposes.
Disclaimer: Merchandise pictures, download links and descriptions are provided by Epigroove of the merchandise. TopShareware.com makes no representations or warranties regarding the merchandise, manufacturers or compatibility of the merchandise available within.

Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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