- CKM Sonar Lite
Sonar PC audio-control spylogger for home & work & kids security monitoring - XP Firewall Control
Windows XP(SP2) Firewall control - MSN Checker Sniffer
Block,monitor,sniff or record MSN Chat conversations on remote Computers - ShadowUser Pro
ShadowStor Leads the Way To Safer Computing - CloseWatch
Monitor, Spy, using keystrokes, cheaters and activities on your computer - Shred It
Remove sensitive documents from your computer in a few easy steps - Privacy Safe
Hide folders,erase internet & software tracks - Internet Security Logger
Save all Internet traffic on the hard drive to measure the security risks. - SpyCop Personal
Anti-Spyware detection and destroying ultility - Privacy Keeper 2004
Privacy Keeper 2004 is a must-have program for cleaning up the history of your activities on a computer and protecting it from the unauthorized access.