Undelete SmartMedia Undelete SmartMedia is the easy photo recovery software for digicams.
Undelete Wizard Recover all types of deleted files easily and completely automatically
UndeletePlus UndeletePlus is a quick and effective way to retrieve accidentally deleted files
UndeleteWizard UndeleteWizard is a quick/effective way to retrieve accidentally deleted files
UpdateStar Online Backup UpdateStar Online Backup means secure, unlimited and user-friendly backup.
Uranium Backup Ligth and powerful backup software. Backup to Tape, esternal hard disk, network, ftp upload and download, CD and DVD. With zip compression and encryption
Virtos S.O.S Backup Database Online backups of Oracle, SQL Server, Exchange Server, Sybase, Interbase and Lotus Notes and Windows system state.
Virtos S.O.S Backup Desktop A solution to create copies of the HD and its workstations for restoration in case of emergency.
Virtos S.O.S Backup EasyDB Backups of SQL online databases and backups to medias that are recognized by Windows and by FTP.
Virtos S.O.S Backup Enterprise Backup solution for hardware automation (libraries and autoloaders)and also Backups of online databases and networks backups to CD/DVD, Pen Drive, etc.
Virtos S.O.S Backup Free Virtos S.O.S Backup Free is a handy and easy to use application that can perform backups to CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, FTP, USB drives, hard disk, and other Windows-recognized media.
Virtos S.O.S Backup Server Backups on magnetic tapes such as DAT, DLT, SDLT, SLR, LTO, AIT, Colorado and others and in addition, backups to medias recognized by Windows.
Virtos S.O.S Backup Standardnet A solution to integrate with the Internet: FTP backups management through e-mailand in addition, backups to medias recognized by Windows.
VOSI.biz Online Backup Automatic Offsite / Online Backup Solution. No device needed, backup from anywhere, backup multiple PCs with individual / group account. Backup open files, incremental backup and data encryption