TmsDBTreeView TmsDBTreeView represents a window that displays a hierarchical list of nodes, where each node is connected with the Database record. The component supports two types of the nodes: folders and files.
FolderView.Net Brings Explorer functionality to your app.
SFTPBlackbox (VCL) Add support for Secure FTP (SFTP) to your Delphi / C++ Builder application.
SSHBlackbox (.NET) Add support for SSH (Secure Shell) to your .NET (VB.NET or C#) application
SSHBlackbox (VCL) Add support for SSH (Secure Shell) to your Delphi / C++ Builder application.
SFTPBlackbox (.NET) Add support for SFTP (secure FTP) to your .NET (VB.NET or C#) application
GMSE Imaging Barcode Recognition and deskewing royalty free for 76.18 Euro
PGPBlackbox (VCL) Add support for PGP algorithms to your Delphi / Kylix applications
PGPBlackbox (.NET) Add support for PGP algorithms to C# or VB.NET (.NET Framework) applications
MDZSimpleGrid Data grid with resizeable and moveable columns.
LLCryptoLib Advanced .NET encryption and hashing library
SkinCrafter.NET Developer, try SkinCrafter.Net and enjoy a new look and feel of your software!
FlashPlayerControl .NET A .NET component to enhance Macromedia / Adobe Flash Player ActiveX features.
Pivo Email Validator Component Email Validator is an assembly that requires the Microsoft .NET framework to run. It is used to validate email addresses at different levels
Pivo Whois Component Whois ... is a protocol for submitting a query to a database for determining the owner of a domain name, an IP